Southern Line Islands DXpedition

Article archive

29/03/2010 09:01

ETA Caroline

The sail to Caroline is going well. The ETA is expected to be early Thursday gmt - but it can always change!;
29/03/2010 09:00


Thank you to all the sponsors who gave donations after the start of the dxpedition. As G3KHZ cannot access his mail on the trip could you please email our webmaster - Maury, iz1crr @ and he will be glad add your call sign to the sponsors list.
28/03/2010 08:30

K3 problem. Any ideas ?

This morning local time (Saturday 21:00 gmt) we started our journey to Caroline island. Estimate 5 days sailing. Almost 9,000 Qs in our logs from the 3 days on Malvern. Derek's beloved Elecraft K3 has a problem! On 40m only, the instant the rig is keyed, even at min power, it switches off as if...
27/03/2010 08:55

One more day

We have 6,300 Qs in the logs and one more day to run. Have 3 stations QRV mostly. Still extremely hot. Another soaking for me this morning running the surf back to Kwai! Anticipate a 5 day sail to Caroline Island as wind will not be favourable. 73 Derek
25/03/2010 22:35

Two more nights

Our first QSO was 00:22gmt on 25th March. We are QRV with 3 stations. Extreme temperature and high winds have limited setting up more antennas and a 4th station. We are combining the 2 sites today to ease the strain of the long walk between sites. Shore landing is a little tricky over the reef. We...
24/03/2010 09:45

QRV within the next 24hrs

It is 02:45 Wednesday and almost dark. We are anchored off the NW coast of Malden. Almost all the equipment is ashore but nothing is assembled. We will be back on the island early in the morning to set up. Should be QRV within the next 24hrs
24/03/2010 07:22

29nm from Malden

It is 18:43gmt and we are 29nm from Malden. If the wind continues to help we may be able to land before dark. As we said previously we intend to start simultaneously with all stations. This should counter the pirates. 73 Derek
23/03/2010 19:07

5,000 visitors reached

5,000 visitors reached from the website launch (4-feb)
23/03/2010 08:52

ETA Malden

ETA Malden is still Wed early morning (our evening). We will have to wait until daylight to land. Expect most of the day will be taken setting up the stations. 73 Derek and the team
21/03/2010 08:15


We boarded Kwai 18 hours ago. Making for Moulden first. Wind not favourable at present. Estimate at least 3 more days at sea. Will give estimate of arrival time when we can be more accurate.

by iz1crr @

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